Task 1 - What settings/Props would you find in:
- A Sci-Fi film
Settings; space, another planet, space ship, Parallel universe, in a dream, travelling through time.
Props; High tech computers, ray gun, time machine.
-A Rom-Com
Settings; A city, A park, A café, A festival/fair, on holiday, a wedding, a school.
Props; Ring, umbrella, flowers, chocolate, teddy bear, a Bike
-A Horror Film
Settings; Haunted house, Forest, shack, underground, bunker, school, abandoned place.
Props; Mask, Weapon, Ouija board, Torch, candle.
Task 2 - What meanings/Emotions do the following images convey:
The guy on the left looks like he is in deep thought thinking about what to do next, therefore is feeling confused and maybe worried. The guy on the right looks focussed on something and looks intrigued, therefore is feeling angry and bewildered.
The man on the left looks worried and protective of the other guy, showing feelings of eagerness and also tenseness. The man on the right looks determined but also confused showing feelings of courage.
The soldiers all around look nervous and afraid showing feelings of panic and anxiousness. The guy in the middle looks superior and in charge showing that he is feeling confident, Strong and brave.
Task 3 - What does the positioning in the following images reveal about the characters/Films:
In this image, the characters are in a position which shows that they have maybe had an argument and the man has dine something wrong that the woman was not happy with. This may reveal that the story line may be about the guy trying to fix what he has done to make it up to his wife.
In this image, the axe is positioned into the middle of the screen so is the main focus for the viewer so can imply that maybe the axe will be used, maybe to harm someone. The axe blends in with the wood around it so even though it could be important it may not be easily recognised.
In this image, the main focus is the two guys in dark who lean on each other maybe implying that they rely on each other and are partners. The other main focus is the weapons they are holding which is very futuristic showing that this could be a sci fi film where these main characters fight alien crime.
In this image, there are soldiers all around with planets in the background showing that this sci fi film may include a battle between the planets. The main focus is the man in the middle showing that he is the main character and maybe the hero. The soldiers are facing the audience which can be seen as threatening so they may be the bad guys.
Low Key Lighting - Created by using only the key and back lights, produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas, Deep, distinct shadows/silhouettes are formed.
High Key Lighting - More filter lights are used. Lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes. Produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day.
Task 4 - What types of lighting are used in the images?
A) High Key Lighting
B) Low Key Lighting
C) High Key Lighting
D)Low Key Lighting
E) Low Key Lighting
F) High Key Lighting
Great work, label Language - don't forget the mise en scene analysis needed below the mise en scene tasks - http://gbhsmediastudies.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Language