BFI notes

What makes a mainstream film? (Jungle Book)
- High production value - Big budget.
- Lots of advertisement - E.g. trailers.
- Well known producers - E.g. Disney (The big six)
- Well known actors/characters.
- Interesting storyline
- Remake of originals
- High quality music and film production.
- wide market available - Family friendly
- CGI and soundtrack
- Wide/saturated distribution.

What makes an independent film? (I, Daniel Blake)
- Low production value - low budget.
- Low quality
- Small range distribution
- unknown actors.
- unknown producers (not one of the big six)
- Low advertising
- Simple storyline
- political film
- part funded of different industries (BBC, BFI)
- Lack of star marketing

Synergy: Where 2 or more compatible products/organisations sell each other.
Convergence: Where film is available/consumed and can be marketed on a number of cross media platform.

Straight Outta Compton (2015)
- Gangs, violence, police violence - Emotive representations
- Star marketing - Ice Cube, Easy E, Dr Dre
- Elements of mainstream films but very political.
- Hip Hop influence.
- Big Six -  Global distribution.
- Younger male target audience
- $50 million budget - Medium production budget.

- Online increasing.
- Papers are decreasing.
- News values - newspapers opinion.

Tabloids: (Daily Mirror, The sun, Daily Star)
- Restricted language code.
- Emotive dramatic facts.
- High ratio of photo - text.
- Bold headlines.
- Red tops
- Subjective Epistemologies (Ways of telling stories - opinionated)
- Direct mode of address.
- Variation in typography
- Primary male skew
- C2, D, E - Working class, urban/city living, 18-45 mainstreamers.

Mid Market Tabloids - Daily mail, Daily Express etc.

240 local newspapers (mostly owned by Trinity Mirror)

Broadsheets: (Guardian/Observer, Financial Times, The I.)
-Daily Telegraph, Financial times(salmon colour) - Big sized broadsheet

'Hard news' - Politics, Finance, Economy, Business, Education.
'Soft news' - Reality, Showbiz, Celebs, Sports.

- Interactive - Comments
- Easy access
- Social Network
- Immediacy
- More invasive advertising


Zoo format: Bits of everything - Presenter lead.

Replaced with you tube/ vevo/ Spotify

PSB - to inform, entertain, educate audiences.
- News/Weather

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