Bias in the news: Political affiliations

Right Wing:
- Conservative Supporters, UKIP, BNP
- The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Times, The Sun.
- 'You earn what you work for and should keep what you earn.'
- Survival of the fittest/richest/best educated
- Believe in privatisation of things like health care, education etc.
- Do not want a Welfare State - i.e. benefits etc.
- In favour of Brexit
- Anti - immigration
- Many voted against equal rights for gay people, some have 'traditional' views of women and pay.
- Often tied to the Church and Christian belief.

The Middle:
- Liberal Democrats
- The Independent
- Support aspects of both Right Wing and Left Wing.

Left Wing:
- Labour Party, Green Party, Socialist Worker Party, Communism
- The Guardian, The Mirror.
- Believe in spreading the wealth - More equality.
- Taxation for the rich to pay for support for the poor.
- Support nationalisation - Public health, State education etc.
- Pro - Europe, Against Brexit.
- Pro - Multi-culture (Pro-immigration)
- Pro - gay marriage, woman's rights etc.
-Pro environment and worried about climate change

The UK Press:

Described as... "Largely run by a very small group of right-wing media moguls who defend the status-quo of which they are part. If you are on the left and want to change society, the media will always come and get you." - Owen Jones, Guardian reporter - March 2017.

Newspapers are biased through...

-Selection and omission
-Photos, captions and camera angles
-Names and Titles
- Statistics and Crowd counts
- Source Control
-Word Choice and Tone

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