News article analysis

The structure of a News Article:

- Who is the story about?
- What is the story about?
- Where did the story happen?
- When did the story take place?
- Why did the story happen?

- Further details/quotes.

- Background/ opinion/ Future?

Construction of a news article...
Headline: The headline is used to entice the reader into wanting to read that article by putting the key interesting points in there. In this article, the main point of interest that is to lead the reader into wanting to read this is the word 'Moor' linking to the moor murders so then readers would want to read this to know what updates there are on the story and also as this is the future of the story, what the final actions are. The start of the headline also attracts the reader with the word 'fears' which would make the reader question what there is a fear of and why.
Intro: The into gives brief details into the story and gives the reader insurance that they will want to read on. In this article the intro is started by saying that the murderers ashes want to be released but only if the coroner is satisfied that they won't be spread on Saddleworth Moor. This will want to make the reader read on to find out what the decision was and if possible where they will end up being spread if released.
Focus: The focus is the part of the article which is the centre of the information. In this case, the murder, Brady is the focus of the article as it is all about him, his ashes, his murders, his future etc. This will interest readers who are curious about the Moor's murders and also the people who were alive around that time to see what will happen to his ashes.
Narrative: The narrative is the part of the article that gives extra information for the reader to understand what is going on. In this case, the use of facts is used to explain the context of why this Brady guy is so important so gives his context and what happened. Also, the use of quotes to let the reader get an idea of what is happening at the present time.
Structure: The structure of the article is all to do with the how the facts and information is presented and in what order. Usually in articles, the most important information is put at the start of the article and the less important information is put at the back of the article. In this article, the important information is what will happen to his ashes and the coroners decision so it is put at the front of the article. The less important information is the context of how he died so is put at the back of the article.

Article Analysis...
The Daily Mirror online, 16/11/17, The Greek Floods

Values & attitudes 
 -Examples of language that stands out...
What is included/missed out? Explain... 
Chatty/formal serious/funny Sentence length...

Shots included? Why? Edited?...
 Kind of headline? Techniques...
 Around 20 words per sentence. The article is about a natural disaster so words are all surrounding negative connotations with words such as victims, horrendous, dramatic, torrential, abandoned, raging, inundated etc. All words to make the reader feel sorry for the victims.
All details are included about what caused the flooding (the storm, Ophelia), victims dead and injured, footage of the storm, damage made, victim's stories, authority response, photos of the destruction. Could have included what is being done for the future and what will happen to the victims who are homeless now and also state intervention.
 The article is serious so largely formal but because it's the mirror, it contains some informal language. The sentences are quite long compared to other articles and contain facts, quotes, stories, details etc. It is not as full of statistics as other papers who have cover this story as it is a tabloid and is normally for people who aren't as educated.
The daily mirror is left wing so comments made are against the state and making the leaders look bad as they aren't doing as much as they should be shown by its harsh language to make the government look guilty after this natural disaster and how they could have prevented more deaths if they had a longer warning.
All the shots included are of disaster sense which include panicked victims to show the extent of the damage and how serious the story is. They show homes destroyed, cars flipped over and streets flooded so the audience can see what has happened. They have edited these to focus on the main damage.
The headline is... 'Dramatic footage of "biblical disaster" Greek floodwaters that have killed 15 people show cars and lorries floating away.' This headline contains key information and the point that there is footage and photos that attract readers as they want to see these photos as they are curious. The quote also attracts readers.


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