Representation theory

Liesbet Van Zoonen

Bell Hooks

Judith Butler


- Started through Suffragette movement which fought for the vote for women. 
- First Wave - 19th and early 20th century UK & US - improved rights for women in marriage and property. 1918 = Women over 30 owning property could vote. 1928 = All women could vote. 
- Sex equality act was not passed until 1975.
- Second Wave - 1960s and 1970s - extended the fight beyond political rights to education, work and the home. In 'The Feminine Mystique' (1983), Betty Freiden argues women were restricted to role of housewife and mother, giving up on work and education. 
- Third Wave - 1990s to present - widened feminist movement to all women (Race, ethnicity, Class).

Laura Mulvey - 'The male gaze' 1975 - Majority of films are viewed from perspective of a heterosexual male. 
- Key words = Voyeurism (Practice of obtaining sexual gratification from observing others), Fetishism and Objectification (Degrading someone to object).

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